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This was the program for the 1948 Visalia Cubs, and it presents a great array of old-time ads.
The dreaded mini-Mouse-Bear makes its return, and is joined by an unnamed radio guy who apparently worked for KTKC. Willys Jeeps and Farm Tools was also a prime sponsor (and that's "Willys," not "Willy's, by the way).
You can look through the complete '48 Yearbook after the jump.
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Page 2 contains some small gems, from old 7-UP and GE ads to a blurb for the Valley Typewriter Company (RIP) to the promotion of "mortarless interlocking concrete blocks."

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We assume "Sunlght's" was supposed to have an "i" in it. And from the department of Taglines That Would Never Work Today, who can resist "The All Butter and Whole Milk bread"?
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This was the first half of the actual scorecard, which was crammed into as small a space as possible to leave maximum room for more ads around it. Notice the promo for the old Los Angeles Angels of the Pacific Coast League (who were also a Cubs affiliate at the time).
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The Visalia Drive-In ad makes you hungry just reading it. Steaks? Fried Chicken? Sandwiches? Sundaes? Cool Drinks? What else do you really need?
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Don't you miss the days when music stores carried air conditioners, refrigerators, washers, and ironers?
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Does anyone still keep score using the system given on this page? We've never seen this method, and we've never seen anybody else use it.
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The final page of the program provides both a brief "history" of baseball, and also provides a classic example of writing becoming dated over time. It repeats the popular urban legend (since debunked) that Abner Doubleday invented baseball, and mentions Babe Ruth's salary of $85,000 per year ("more than any other player has ever earned!"), along with his record 60-homer season in 1927. Just another reminder to always write with humility; people might read you sixty years later and chuckle.
Back Cover
Kids, take notes: the young man on the Reeder's Cow Pasture Lumber Co. ad is demonstrating very poor form. Generally, it is not recommended to jump up in the air while attempting to field a ground ball.
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